How To Choose A Home Inspector On Maui
Are you looking for the best home inspector, but you don’t know how to choose a home inspector on Maui? We understand that buying a new house is a huge thing. And you want to make sure that the person you hire to inspect your house will be legit.
They shouldn’t only be legit; they should be able to give you the best feedback on the status of your home. You don’t want to pay for a home inspection and then find out afterward that the inspector didn’t do a proper job.
So what can you look out for when hiring a home inspector? Read on to find a few things that can help you choose the best home inspector.
Check The Online Reviews And Ask For Referrals
A good place to start looking for a home inspector is to ask your friend and family for a referral. You trust your family, and if they refer someone, it is less likely that you will run into problems.
But if you don’t have family or friends who know a home inspector, you can check for online reviews. There are lots of sites like Yelp that you can use to find a highly rated home inspector.
Ask The Right Questions
Before you decide to hire a home inspector, you need to ask them the right questions. Questions such as are they certified and licensed. You should also find out if they are insured, and full-time inspectors or is it a side hustle.
Get clarification with regards to the inspection timelines and when you will get the report. Make sure that you know what will be included in the report and how long it will take to get the report back.
You can also ask some questions that relate specifically to their certification. Such as are they associated with an association, and how do they keep up to date with the current testing techniques? It is okay if you want to ask for previous references, remember that buying a house is a big deal.
What Red Flags Should You Look Out For?
One of the biggest red flags that you should look out for is inspectors that insist that you shouldn’t be at the inspection. No, you don’t have to be at the inspection if you don’t want to. But if someone insists that you stay away, you should insist on staying.
Another thing that you can do during your inspector interview is to ask the inspector if they can assist with the home repairs. If the inspector says yes, then you should start to question the motives of the findings.
A good inspector will provide you with contact details for possible contractors, but they will not fix the problems themselves. The home inspector’s job is to identify problems in your house and report on them; it is not to fix the problems.
In Conclusion
There are various ways how you can choose a home inspector on Maui; remember to do your homework. Don’t choose the first best options. Take your time and make sure that the person you hire is a licensed professional who knows what they are doing.