What Does A Home Inspector Do On Maui? An Exterior Focus
Do you know what does a home inspector do on Maui?
All InterNACHI certified inspectors follow a standard protocol that we refer to as the Standards of Practice. If you are wondering what does a home inspector do on Maui, then read on.
In this article, we give you more information on the tasks of a home inspector. That way, you will know what to expect from your home inspection.
Inspection Standards of Practice
The Standards of Practice are the rules and regulations that all InterNACHI certified inspectors need to adhere to. During any inspector courses, all inspectors must sign the Standards of Practice and Code of Conduct presented by InterNACHI.
By signing this document, the inspector confirms that he understands his roles and responsibilities. All inspectors at Mana Home Inspections are certified inspectors. The inspectors adhere to the Standards of Practice.
In the next section, we will explain what is expected from an inspector if he does an exterior inspection.
What Does A Home Inspector Do On Maui When Inspecting The Exterior Of A House
An exterior inspection is only one of the numerous components that form part of a home inspection. In this section, we will focus on want inspectors need to inspect, describe and report. We will also look at things that are excluded from an exterior inspection.
Inspectors Will Thoroughly Inspect
An inspector will look at the exterior wall-covering materials, windows, and exterior doors. They will also inspect the adjacent walkways and driveways of the property.
Stairs, steps, stairways, and ramps are also essential to look at during the inspection. Additionally, the inspector will look at the vegetation, surface draining, and retaining wall. All of these components can impact the structure due to moisture.
Inspectors Will Describe
As part of the inspection, an inspector is expected to accurately describe the exterior wall-covering materials. This description will form part of the inspection report.
Inspectors Will Send a Details Report on Corrections
After the inspection is completed, the inspector will compile a detailed report of all the corrections needed to the house’s exterior. In his report, the inspector will indicate if there is any improper spacing between intermediate balusters, spindles, and rails.
Inspectors Are Not Required To Do The Following
Even though home inspectors will do a thorough inspection of the house, they can not inspect items that are not visible or readily accessible from the ground. An exterior inspection will exclude swimming pools, underground utilities, playgrounds, and irrigation or sprinkler systems.
If you have any questions about the inspection, you are welcome to contact any of the experts at Mana Home Inspections; we are here to help.
In Conclusion
There are various tasks that an inspector needs to complete during a home inspection. This article looked at what an inspector does on Maui if he completes an exterior inspection.
If you would like information on the other components that form part of a full inspection, we encourage you to contact us. We want to make your home inspection as effortless as possible!